There are four fathers in my life. My dad, my husband, his dad and his step-dad. Each play an integral role within our family. This post is dedicated to them.

This morning while driving home from London, Martin and I were discussing the distance from where we live to London and that it wasn’t that much different than driving from Roseville (where I grew up) to San Francisco. Since it was Father’s Day, that conversation made me think of the trips my dad and I used to take to The City to take photographs. We’d wake up really early, stop and get donuts and drive 120 miles to the magical city. My first excursion was when I was about five or six years old and according to legend, I took a whole rolls worth of photos of a stop sign at the bottom of a hill. Although my medium and subject matter has changed since then, my interest in photography has not. Thanks Dad, Happy Father’s Day!

Me and Dad

My husband is a fantastic dad. There aren’t enough words to express his amazing qualities as a dad. Patience and humour are the first to spring to mind, lots and lots of patience. Happy Father’s Day, honey!

Martin and mini G

Poppy plays an important role in our lives. He entertains the silliest of whims that Mini G throws his way and we appreciate everything he does for us. Happy Father’s Day, Poppy!

Poppy and mini G

This is one of my favourite photos of my dad and my son.

Pop and mini G

And while we don’t see them as much as we’d like, Martin’s Dad and his Dad – also Pop – (oh that’s five fathers!) are also very important to us. Happy Father’s Day, Mick and Tom!


Daddy and mini G

To celebrate Father’s Day, we had tea and chocolate cake. It wouldn’t be a celebration in our house if there wasn’t cake. We also challenged each other to River Rafting on the Xbox Kinect Adventures. I let Martin win, since it’s Father’s Day and all…

Chocolate cake for father's day

This post is a bit different than the rest, even a bit sappy, but I just wanted to take this opportunity to recognize the Fathers in our lives.